Towards the TopMost: A Topic Modeling System Toolkit


Topic models have a rich history with various applications and have recently been reinvigorated by neural topic modeling. However, these numerous topic models adopt totally distinct datasets, implementations, and evaluations. This impedes quick utilization and fair comparisons, and thereby hinders their research progress and applications. To tackle this challenge, we in this paper propose a Topic Modeling System Toolkit (TopMost). Compared to existing toolkits, TopMost stands out by supporting more extensive features. It covers a broader spectrum of topic modeling scenarios with their complete lifecycles, including datasets, preprocessing, models, training, and evaluations. Thanks to its highly cohesive and decoupled modular design, TopMost enables rapid utilization, fair comparisons, and flexible extensions of diverse cutting-edge topic models. Our code, tutorials, and documentation are available at

Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics


Luu Anh Tuan
Luu Anh Tuan
Assistant Professor

My research interests lie in the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing.